Information Collection Notice –
Conference Run Camps
1. The Seventh-day Adventist Church (Western Australian Conference) Ltd collects personal information, including sensitive information about those attending camps before and during the course of their engagement. This may be in writing or in the course of conversations. The primary purpose of collecting this information is to enable the Western Australian Conference to provide for the needs of an individual during the period of a Conference-run camp.
2. Some of the information the Western Australian Conference collects is to satisfy legal obligations, including its duty of care in workplace health and safety and child protection.
3. In order to consider your application to attend a camp run by the Western Australian Conference, you consent to our collecting personal information about you and/or dependants where applicable, to ensure that accommodation, medical, safety and duty of care needs are met.
4. The personal information we collect about you and/or your dependants will be stored securely. Data will be kept based on legal and policy requirements.
5. Where health information is collected to meet duty of care requirements, the Western Australian Conference will:
Secure all health information we collect
Ensure this information is only disclosed to staff on a “need to know” basis
Ensure this information is not disclosed to other third parties without consent
6. The Western Australian Conference may disclose personal and sensitive information for administrative, educational and support purposes (or may permit the information to be directly collected by third parties). This may include:
Government departments;
Third party service providers that provide online applications (apps), which may include email and instant messaging;
People providing administrative and financial services to the Western Australian Conference
Anyone you authorise the Church to disclose information to; and
Anyone to whom the Church is required or authorised to disclose the information to by law, including under child protection laws.
7. Failure to provide this information will present an unacceptable risk to the Western Australian Conference and we may not accept your application.
8. The Western Australian Conference may also use cloud computing service providers to store personal information (which may include sensitive information) on their servers in the 'cloud'. These servers may be located inside or outside of Australia. This may mean that personal information may be stored or processed outside Australia. The Western Australian Conference's Privacy Policy contains further information about its use of cloud and other third-party service providers and any of their overseas locations.
9. The Western Australian Conference's Privacy Policy is accessible via the Western Australian Conference website (wa.adventist.org.au) or from the Western Australian Conference office. The policy sets out how individuals may access and/or correct their personal information, which the Western Australian Conference has collected and holds. However, access may be refused in certain circumstances such as where access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others, or may result in a breach of the Western Australian Conference’s duty of care obligations. Any refusal will be notified in writing with reasons if appropriate.
10. The Western Australian Conference’s Privacy Policy also sets out how individuals can make a complaint about a breach of the APPs and how the complaint will be handled.
11. The Western Australian Conference will obtain your consent prior to including photographs, videos or other identifying material of you or your dependants in our promotional material or otherwise making this material available to the public, such as on the internet.
12. If you provide the Western Australian Conference with the personal information of others, such as other family members, doctors or emergency contacts, we encourage you to inform them you are disclosing that information to the Western Australian Conference and why. This will allow them to request access to and correct that information if they wish. You can also refer them to the Western Australian Conference’s Privacy Policy for further details about such requests and how the organisation otherwise handles the personal information it collects, and how it manages the complaints it receives.