Free Will Services
Trust Services is highly specialised department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church which helps you pass the right inheritance at the right time to the right people, with consideration to your faith.
Throughout the life cycle, needs and responsibilities change and we can discuss these with you, helping you protect your loved ones financially and sustain the causes you love. Administered locally by people who worship right beside you, our services are free—so every church member, friend or family member can effectively plan for the future, managing the resources God has entrusted to them.
Life is about growing from child to adult to senior. It is also about extending God’s kingdom from generation to generation. Our faith in the Lord may be constant, but personal, family and financial challenges change almost daily. Having a Will allows you to decide how you would like your assets to be distributed. Where guardianship of minor children is involved, you want your Christian values to be expressed and we understand this. You may also choose to make a provision to a church, a church entity or charity and we can assist as you make this choice.
If you don’t have a Will the process of distributing your assets involves the appointment of an administrator by the Courts. Any expense involved will be deducted from your assets prior to distribution. The legal rules will place your surviving spouse or former spouse and children above all relatives. Your assets are held until an administrator has been appointed. This process may be lengthy and as part of our church organisation, Trust Services was founded to offer the availability to write your own Will free of charge, minimising difficulty and delay.
Make an Appointment
To have a new Will prepared for you, please arrange for an appointment by contacting Teresa Hort at the Seventh-day Adventist Church Western Australia Head Office (also known as the WA Conference Office).
Office (08) 9398 7222
Mobile 0439 980 251
Email TeresaHort@adventist.org.au
Out of hours appointments are also available. If you are unable to come to the WA Conference Office, Teresa is happy to visit you at your home.