Busselton Kids Club

The team at the Busselton Kids Club was quite diverse, ranging from a lady in her eighties prepping and serving fruit to enthusiastic seven and nine year-olds engaging in actions for the songs, alongside a 11-year-old who took charge of presenting to the kids.
This year’s theme was “Stellar - Shine Jesus’ Light.” The focus was on encouraging the kids to illuminate Jesus’ light in their community a mission they wholeheartedly embraced.
In Busselton, the number of church kids altogether might add up to about a dozen, but the kids’ club attracted around 30 kids each day. It’s evident that evangelism can be simple - find something compelling about the Bible and invite others to join in. Pr. Derek engaged with the kids on their level, conducting various experiments to demonstrate how shining Jesus’ light can have a greater impact than we realize.
A big congratulations to Busselton - keep shining!