Crowds Return to Road to Bethlehem

Appreciative crowds flocked back to the Road to Bethlehem (RTB) drama after a three-year break, learning about the true meaning of Christmas in the gift of Jesus. The team at Livingston Church put in a big effort to make this year’s RTB special under the leadership of Stephen Jones. The script was revamped, sets were repainted, new sets created, and new people involved. It was great to see so many of Livingston’s teens really keen to be involved both on stage and behind the scenes. Rapping wise men, boasting shepherds and joking beggers joined the traditional scenes of the Jerusalem market place, Herod’s palace, and the Bethlehem Inn. Hearts were moved when angels sang around the manger of baby Jesus.
Three thousand six hundred and eighty seven people came through Road to Bethlehem this year, about half for the first time. This included the Gosnells Mayor and two councillors. Comments included, “It was amazing!”; “It was lovely!”; “I loved the energy, humour and music”; “Thank you for sharing the true spirit of Christmas”. Livingston Church members were glad to offer this Christmas gift to their community. They had so many different generations working together to make it happen, both new and deeper friendships were formed among the church members.