Farewell to the Hiscoxs

This year we say goodbye to two of our staff members who by definition epitomise what Adventist Education is all about changing the lives of young people so they can flourish and live lives of service to others.
Ron and Nerolie Hiscox or more affectionately known as Mr and Mrs Carmel, have served the Adventist system in Australia, and most recently at Carmel Adventist College, for over 80 years combined. From their first work photo together when Ron was a prac student and Nerolie was a teacher, to their last school photo with 3 of their beautiful grandchildren, their unwavering attitude to reflect Jesus in everything they do, especially in their interactions with young people, has quite literally been experienced by generations of families in our community, to both local and remote. They have been the highlight of every formal dinner for their amazing “couple goal” coordinated outfits. Yet more than anything, for reflecting what an incredible partnership can be had when 2 people love and respect each other and dedicate their lives to serving others. An inspiration to our students and staff.
We will miss Ron and Nerolie terribly, but we wish them all the best in their retirement, which is thoroughly deserved. Well done, good and faithful servants. Matthew 25:23