God Provides: Midland Meals

Even in sun, wind, rain, heat, or storm, Midland Meals, or “Hamburger Hill” as the locals refer to it, is out in the streets serving food to those that need it most. They are found across three sites: Midland, Ellenbrook, and Bassendean.
Just as everyone is welcome at the King’s table, everyone is welcome at the Midland Meals table. This includes homeless people living on the streets, families with small children who are struggling to make ends meet, teens who don’t have a permanent place to sleep, or your average businessman who is hungry after his day.
God always has a way of providing for us just as we need it.
Recently, chief dreamer Pr Loren Pratt and his team had a delivery of meat that needed to go in the freezers to be used to feed people throughout the week. They stood in the carpark, not knowing where the food was going to go because all the freezers were already full to the brim.
Meanwhile, our head cook for our Monday team was driving past and felt impressed to pop into Swan Valley Church a day early to collect the fruit, veg, and meat she needed to cook for the week.
This was an answer to prayer that Loren and the team didn’t know they needed and when they repacked the freezers with all the food, the last packet of meat slid into the top of the freezers perfectly like a glove.
As they shut the freezer doors for the afternoon, they thanked God for providing such a small thing when they least expected it.
We know Midland Meals is such a blessing, but it’s incredible to know that God is blessing us as we bless others.
Do you want to get involved or learn more about this ministry? Please contact us via Facebook @ Midland Meals.
Midland - 6:00 -7:30pm each night in the council carpark on Morrison road in the big white sea container.
Ellenbrook - 6:00 - 7:30pm each night in the Alpha and Omega Family Practice carpark. 50 Mornington Parkway.
Bassendean - 11:30am-1:30pm in the blue steel oval carpark.