Holland Track Trip

The only tools we had to get out of this situation were prayers, and we needed a lot of them.
From 23-26 September 2022, the Kulikup Seventh-day Adventist Church youth, and WA Youth and Children Specialists, hosted a 4WD Information Exchange Weekend while travelling The Holland Track. 25 vehicles and 63 people registered for the event. We learnt about:
Picking the right line
Vehicle recovery
Food planning
Bush survival
Trip planning
How to cook a damper
First aid
Vehicle inspection
Each morning started with worship around the campfire with a bonus fun-crazy-challenge on the last morning. God never let us down with an incredible wildflower display, Mallee Fowl nest, bearded dragons and a rare thorny devil.
The track was an unforgettable challenge from the previous weeks rain. By the end of day two we had seven vehicles to repair from so much fun in the mud. The journey was an incredible adventure with new friendships made. To see how we were saved by prayer and some amazing bush mechanics keep an eye out for the video at the Youth Shed this Easter Camp.
Due to an editorial error, this article wasn’t printed in the December 2022 issue of Connect Magazine. We deeply apologise for this mistake, and are grateful for the time and expertise the Holland Track team took in preparing the trip and reporting it.
—Connect Magazine