Karla Bidjar Building Dedication

On December 10, 2022 the Karla Bidjar Centre of Influence building was dedicated to the service of God.
People from the community, church members, local government representatives and visitors, shared a free Sanitarium breakfast along with a sausage sizzle followed by a special dedication ceremony for the building. People attending were blessed with country gospel music from Craig Pickett (Chook) who travelled from Geraldton to be part of the celebration. Several pioneers of Karla Bidjar, Pr John Beck, Terry Kessaris and Derek Binning provided a background sketch to the building project that began more than 10 years ago, when property was donated for Aboriginal mission work. Foodbank parcels and food donated through the Feed it Forward charity were given away to all those that attended.
Pr Steve Goods, President of the Western Australian Conference of Seventh-day Adventists attended the service with his wife Lee and offered the prayer of dedication over the building.
It was wonderful to see how God has lead in the purchase of this building. All were excited to move in right now, however, more work needs to be completed before it is able to be occupied on a regular basis. The members are looking forward to using the site whenever it is possible.