ATSIM enjoys Easter Camp and Elder Ordination
Easter Camp at Advent Park was a highlight for ATSIM Ministries for Western Australia. A good group of a Aboriginal families travelled to Advent Park from as far as Broome, Nullagine, Karalundi and other areas around the state. Karalundi staff travelled down and made a large contribution to the ATSIM display tent, where it became a combined Karalundi, ATSIM and Mamarapha display area. Hot drinks and Sanitarium brekky foods were always available for visitors to the tent. A prayer section in the tent gave visitors the option to have some prayer time with a volunteer in the tent. Everyday worship services were held in the ATSIM worship tent and it was wonderful to worship together. Sabbath closing was a highlight with the ATSIM team sharing in the Big Tent. Sunday lunch was wonderful as the annual BBQ lunch brought many people together.

A week later on April 15, Tony Decinque was ordained at Karla Bidjar as an Elder by Pr Steve Goods. Tony has been at Karla Bidjar for quite some time and is very active in leading out at Karla Bidjar. His contribution is valued at the church.