Finance Update
Progress on our new Early Learning Centre at Victoria Park Christian School
A friend recently sent me one of those pithy sayings that went something like this, “When I was young, I was scared of the dark. Now when I see my electricity bill, I am scared of the lights!” The news has been full of cost of living increases, including rising interest rates, and wages not keeping pace with these cost increases. I have no doubt that our church members are beginning to feel the strain and have had to “tighten the belt”, so to speak, on the family finances.
Western Australian Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Total Annual Tithe
I am pleased to report that $9,955,000 total tithe was received in 2022. An increase of 3.7% on tithe received during 2021. The graph below shows total tithe received for the last ten years.
As we are reminded in 1 Chronicles 29:14, God continues to bless his faithful followers by providing them with the ability to give this much. We thank each of you for your faithfulness in returning to God the portion he asks for.
The additional tithe received will assist the Conference in employing two additional ministers from 2024 and allow us to increase the amount of tithe reversion available to each church.
It was exciting to see our annual Easter Camp return. Staff commented that they felt “out of rhythm” with all that was required to be done in preparation. Most campers I had the opportunity of speaking to commented that this was the most relaxed camp they recall attending, and how good it was to be back meeting again. Our Sabbath morning offering went to the Catalyst programme and we collected just over $11,000. Again, a big thank you for your contribution to this important youth focused programme.
Dam extension at Mornington Adventure Camp
Much has been said about the extended dam at Mornington Adventure Camp. This work is all but complete and the dam is now waiting for the winter rains to fill up. The picture above shows the dam looking towards the front entrance to the property and the water level is no where near full. A huge thank you to the many volunteers who offered their time and expertise to get the job done. Our managers, Calvin and Jaclyn Shotter, have worked very hard to coordinate all this work while hosting various groups. Thank you Calvin and Jaclyn for the tireless efforts you put in each week, it is appreciated.
The new managers house is nearing completion and once the necessary approvals have been sought, work will begin on the new kitchen/dining hall and dormitory upgrades.
Advent Park has just taken possession of a new office that will be used during the year to check campers in and out. The previous office was located in the managers house which was not ideal.
Renovations and the like have begun on the building purchased for the Karla Bidjar Seventh-day Adventist Church in Midland. A new exterior fence is being installed which will assist with site security. We are grateful for the security funding provided by Risk Management Service to help offset the cost of the new fence.
Work continues apace with the new Early Learning Centre at Victoria Park Christian School. Enrolments continue to grow at this school and the staff are eagerly waiting to gain access to the new classrooms. While we have experienced some minor delays waiting on building supplies, we hope to receive practical completion of this building by mid-June.
Rossmoyne Waters new ‘Horizon’ building concept art
By the time you read this, work will have begun on the new building at Rossmoyne Waters. While there have been some challenging delays, we believe we are now on track to deliver another high quality building for the over 55’s and those requiring residential aged care. This the biggest project to date in our Conference and we ask you to add this important project to your prayer lists that all will go smoothly and we can finish the building on time and on budget.
This report has been longer than intended. However, you will see there is much going on in and around our Conference. There is much to be thankful for and we are grateful for the continued leading of our Lord and Saviour.