Jessie Hall Almost 100!

Jessie was born on the island of Atiu, in the in Cook Islands 1923, she is the daughter of Emeline Sarah (nee Smith) and William Chapman. William graduated from Theology at Avondale. He accepted appointments to South Australia as a Bible worker; a missionary to the Cook Islands; and Western Australia where he taught at the Western Australian Missionary College (WAMC). Jessie grew up with her 4 brothers: Bill, Merv, George and Mel.
Jessie went to Bickley school with her brothers and in 1936 went to the Perth Technical School and graduated with a dress making, design and fashion certificate. Returning to WAMC she completed the Business Studies Course and graduated in 1939. With many men at war in 1940, Jessie was appointed the Sanitarium Health Food (SHF) secretary and bookkeeper. She handled all the wages, served at the SHF shop and was the First Aider attendant to the Carmel SHF factory, in Western Australia. Her second appointment came 1941, to work as a secretary at the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) WA Conference Office located in the Perth Arcade, which coupled as the Book and Bible shop.
In 1946 Jessie married Robert William Hall, (Bob) whom she had met at WAMC. Bob was a carpenter and had been hired to install radars during the war in the South West of WA. They lived in Bunbury. Jessie’s first enterprise was dressmaking, sewing baby clothes and christening robes in Bunbury, WA. They became the proud parents of Daryll and Glenise.
The Western Australian SDA Conference bought a property in Queens Park as a permanent camping site for their annual camp, Colporteur Institutes, Ministerial retreats, Junior Missionary Volunteers (JMV, Missionary Volunteers (MV), Pathfinders; Welfare, (known as Dorcas Society), and other church functions. Jessie fostered many babies for short periods of time when her children were young. She worked as a Welfare Director in Perth and was sent to Mt Macedon, Victoria to learn how to implement survival skills for the city of Perth in case of nuclear disaster. She taught these skills to other welfare personnel and they used them in their relief efforts during floods and fires in WA. Jessie also conducted many vegetarian cookery classes in churches; and she catered for many camps at the camp ground as listed above and she was head cook of SHF retail restaurants. She also taught domestic science at the Victoria Park school.
Bob was called as caretaker and maintenance supervisor for the SDA WA Conference. His work included maintenance of church properties and his first job was to build a house on the campground to live in, in 1953. Many other SDA churches and the Busselton school were built under his direction.
He drew up the plans for the Maida Vale Camp ground and the Rossmoyne Village concurrently. He also negotiated with the government regarding procuring the land and supervised the buildings erected on these properties.
In 1967 Jessie and Bob’s dream to become missionaries was fulfilled. Bob became a cocoa plantation manager at Sonoma and Jessie attended the needs of the locals by running a shop. She also ran sewing classes for the national ladies, assisted choirs, and conducted a First Aid post. Bob taught a literacy class for plantation workers, with New Guinea Pidgin English and assisted in the missionary efforts which resulted in many baptisms. A fly and build team came out from Australia to build Sonoma College and Jessie supplied 3 meals a day for the 20 men.
Jessie did a medical training course at Nonga Hospital, Rabaul, which covered knowledge and experience in accident and emergencies; tropical diseases; suturing; delivering babies and communicable diseases such as TB, polio, and malaria—which were common.
In 1970 Jessie and Bob transferred to Kambubu, on the west coast of New Britain. Jessie taught home economics and ran an extensive sewing factory. This included selling clothes in Rabaul; making all the school uniforms for the SDA union, and all the welfare uniforms. She also gave counselling to distressed students. Bob taught manual arts and technical drawing. He continued to supervise the cabinet making industry – which provided home furniture and window shutters for the church houses in the Union. He also maintained the printing press for the union which included printing of missionary materials, school literature; church papers and more.
Pastor Bert Godfrey called Bob down to Batuna, Solomon Islands in 1971 to run a sawmill for the SDA Church. Whilst there he was the overseer for the mission. He established the Batuna Technical Training Centre in two stroke engine mechanics, building construction, guttering and making tanks for water storage and sanitation. Jessie oversaw the running of the hospital and delivered about 100 babies; established home management, sewing and cooking classes for the ladies, welfare programs, Pathfinders, and a shop which also gave training for business studies. Their faith in God was tested and strengthened and they were recipients and witnesses of many mighty miracles.
Jessie and Bob returned to Perth in 1984. Bob retired and volunteered to do pastoral care in several suburban churches and Jessie supported him in ministering to others. Jessie also continued teaching bread making and vegetarian cooking in TAFE in WA.
Bob died 2012 after a courtship of 4 years, plus a marriage which spanned 66 years with Jessie. Jessie valiantly carried on serving in the SDA church. She delighted guests with special dinners for her friends and family. In 2017 she was transferred into Sherwin Lodge with declining health for extra care, but continued to offer her hand of fellowship and prayers of hope to other residents nearby. This July 2022, we celebrated her 99th birthday with family and friends. She was delighted to receive flowers, cards and well wishes from family and SDA members with whom she has worked throughout Australia. Her favourite scripture has always been meaningful for her; and surely God has fulfilled his promises to Jessie as He does for all.
1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.