Life Changing Events on STORM Co

I arrived at one of the STORM Co locations—on a whirlwind tour of them all. A teenager bounced over to say hi and he was very excited. He couldn’t contain his story of the week so far.
He had been having a bad day, a very bad day. He had a piercing headache that wouldn’t go away. He couldn’t focus on anything for more than a few minutes (this happens to him but not normally this bad). He was hearing voices in his head—again, something that he sometimes has to live with. Life is not straightforward for some our our young people. I have chatted and listened to him on and off for the last few years. I’ve been in his home, watched him growing and also seen his many brilliant talents in action. I have heard about some of the dark thoughts that sometimes challenge him. All-in-all a fantastic young man.
During this bad day, one of the people who had gone along as a chaplain figure for the group took him outside and chatted at length with him. They had prayed with and for him. We talked some more and were impressed to pray again. During the second prayer the young man described to me that ‘it was like a little explosion went off inside my head—then everything was really clear’. The headache went away, the voices went away and he was able to concentrate. He was blown away. He had never experienced an answer to prayer like that before. He now believes in prayer and the impact it has in our everyday lives today. STORM Co is all about serving. Sometimes God uses it for other purposes as well and lives are changed forever. We serve a mighty God. God who has the power to change lives and does exactly that in His own timing. Praise the Lord for this miracle!
A huge thank you to all who participated in STORM Co 2022. A big thanks to the STORM Co team and organisers for your commitment and time you sacrificed to make a difference with our young people. To the young people of WA, thank you—we witnessed incredible skill and heart felt connections.