Wheatbelt Wanderers
The ‘Wheatbelt Wanderers’ Active August 2022 team
Back: Andrina Prnich, Chantal Davies, Vicki White, Kim Cooper, Jamie-Lee Walker, Zane Walker, Rochelle Willis, Emma Boyd, Anastasia Eastwick
Front: Madison Davies, Ellie Walker, Connor Davies
Every day, people living in poverty are missing out on daily essentials. The distance to access these basic needs are a real barrier. Children from the Solomon Islands walk 6km each day to access water. Students from Zimbabwe walk 20km a day to get to and from school. It is so easy to take for granted, the ease of access to water, food, hygiene, education, along with the many other services available in the lucky country. But even in Australia, homeless people walk 4km a day to access support services.
In the Wheatbelt, one can quickly rack up hundreds of kilometres a week - but this usually in the comfort of an air-conditioned vehicle, where one can return to a warm bed, food and roof over their head. When one Merredin local spread the word about the opportunity that ADRA’s Active August would provide to help break the cycle of poverty, it didn’t take long to form our Wheatbelt Wanderers fundraising team. Our team of 14 have supported each other through August and have collectively walked, run or cycled over 1,300km. We have been in awe of the generosity of our community who have so strongly supported the cause, donating funds that well-exceed our initial goal.
With a very wet August, we have each challenged each other to keep going in spite of the cold, rain and mud! One team member, holidaying in New Zealand, has faced runs in less than 3-degree temps!
The team has climbed mountains and rocks, trekked through paddocks and bush, and walked in and around town to get to work, after school activities and footy matches! As a team, we’ve shared special moments experienced with God during this time. Together, amongst the downpours, we’ve been blessed to encounter wildflowers, animals, sunsets, rainbows and sun-showers.
Through our tired muscles, sore backs and dodgy hips, we give thanks for how good we have it. But for many, these blessings of basic essentials are only available to many through the support of agencies like ADRA. We hope this inspires you to get moving and enjoy the blessing He will share as you spend time in His creation. We hope to inspire you to be thankful, every day, for the blessings we can easily take for granted. And, with a few more days to go, we hope you will support this cause through www.activeaugust.com (there are also several other teams and West Aussies participating).