Moora Church Gathers to Pray for Rain

Moora Seventh-day Adventist Church was filled with people from all walks of life who came together one evening in late May to pray specifically for rain. Some of those attending would never normally attend a church service but eagerly joined this prayer time. Bernard Chapman opened the event by reading passages from the Bible, specifically Matthew 5:43-48, James 5:13-18.

Bernard reminded us that we have a powerful God, a God of miracles.

We then separated into small groups of 4-6 people to pray for rain, specifically that the forecasted rain for the following week would come and soak the dry, hard, dusty ground in our region, replenish the water tables, heal our land, and bring peace and gratitude for God’s provision.

It was beautiful to watch everyone gather and pray—people from all local churches and even those with no claim to faith. They all expressed appreciation for being able to participate. We ended the evening with hymn 86 - “How Great Thou Art.”

Two weeks later, after some amazing soaking rain, we came together to thank God. Gathering in our little church, we started to notice some new faces. I had advertised both events on social media, and the reach was fantastic.

Not only were we grateful for the rain, but it also gave us space to think about what else we were grateful for and to thank God for those things. In our groups, we thanked God for the rain and other blessings. As we went around taking turns, to my surprise, my husband (who is not yet a believer) started speaking. At first, he said, “Well, I don’t know what to say,” so I prompted him with, “Just speak from your heart.” He began to pray out loud, thanking God for the rain, followed by “Amen.” I was nearly brought to tears as my husband, who was still unsure about God, felt comfortable enough to pray out loud.

The children also joined in, saying short prayers of thanks to God for the rain and many other things they were grateful for. Now, two months later, the beautiful soaking rain continues to fall, filling the water table and our lives with peace.

We remain very grateful to God for hearing our prayers and for the impact this has had on those who came. This inspired Bernard to organise a 48-hour prayer weekend coming up soon. We are excited to open this event to the entire community, offering deep and meaningful time with our God through various activities such as music, art, writing, or simply talking to God.

We encourage prayer about global, local, and personal issues to draw us closer to God in prayerful worship.

For more information or to follow our activities, please visit our Facebook page, Moora Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Tanya Leigh Wood
Moora Seventh-day Adventist Church


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