When the Sanctuary came alive for Manjimup

It is so encouraging when you take something to the Lord and ask for His glory and love to be shown, how He blesses everyone.
Finally, after the restrictions of COVID for so long, we at Manji were able to get away from home and become a closer family at Busselton Youth Camp. But what to study or how to learn in a way that all ages could be blessed? On 19-21 May 2023, we decided to take the Pathfinder Honour on the Sanctuary and use that outline as an Object Lesson.
We were divided into 6 groups and given an envelope with instructions on how to build a particular piece of furniture found in the Sanctuary. Also in the envelope was a questionnaire for those who wanted more information and bible references. A trailer load of ‘stuff’ was taken there, this included cardboard, pieces of wood, plastic tubing, paper, paint, gaffer tape and of course cable ties. People could use their imagination and work together to produce an item that had to resemble the furniture they were to make.
The most glorious weather was provided by our King and so much enthusiasm and energy produced such amazing items, including shewbread and an offering for the altar. An area was marked out to show the actual size of the Sanctuary and when the items were completed, they were placed where they would have been in bible times.
Pr Ross Craig then ‘walked’ us through the sanctuary explaining what each piece was for and how it all pointed to Jesus. Seeing it as it was meant to be rather than just a drawing was enlightening.
Our younger Adventurer-aged children provided extra articles, a home for possums, a crocodile and the motor for Peter’s engine “when he fished from the wrong side of the boat”.
Incredible food helped enhance the experience by providing opportunities for talking around the tables. There were options for the afternoon and we were able to go for walks, study the lesson and create with the Adventurers as they completed several awards. Saturday night provided a chance to play games or sit and talk as we listened to a group singing and playing guitars and ukuleles.
Sunday morning was bittersweet when we had to leave, and requests for next year’s event came from all directions. Pr Ross Craig also thanks the entire team for a great weekend.